Customer Portal Usage Instructions:
To log in to the Customer Portal:
1. Access your vendor's Customer Portal URL through Web Browser.
2. In Login page, enter valid login details (user name and password) provided by
your vendor.
3. Click the Login button. After successfully logging in, Customer Portal Home
page is displayed.
To log out from the Customer Portal:
In Customer Portal Home page, click the Logout link.
To submit trouble tickets:
1. In Customer Portal Home page click the Submit New Ticket link
2. In the Create New Ticket page specify the following details:
a. Title: Specify the title of the trouble ticket
b. Description: Describe the problem in detail.
c. Priority: Select the priority of the trouble ticket (Low, Medium, High,
and Critical)
d. Category: Select the category of the trouble ticket (Big Problem,
Small Problem, and Other Problem)
Note: Currently Customer Portal supports very limited fields.
3. Click the Submit button. Your ticket will be displayed in Home page under
Open Tickets section.
To view the trouble ticket status:
1. In Customer Portal Home page Open and Closed tickets status are displayed
under the My Open Tickets and Closed Tickets sections respectively.
2. In My Open Tickets section, click the ticket to view the ticket details.
3. You can also provide additional details for resolving the problem (If required)
in the Comments field and click the Submit button.
To change the Password:
1. In Customer Portal Home page, click the My Profile hyperlink.
2. In the My Profile page section, change the password and click the Submit
button. You can use the new password next time when you login again.
All information related to you account will be availabe in the provided tabs.